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  IN Virus Protection Protocols


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Inspector Nation Virus Protection Protocols

TO: The Home Inspection & Real-Estate Community

In an effort to make our IN Virus Protection Protocols more widely available and protect all individuals involved in real-estate transactions, Inspector Nation has developed a free online Virus Protection Protocols course for community professionals to follow. These protocols were developed with the intent to educate home buyers, real-estate agents, and home inspectors on ways to stay safe while performing essential duties.

This online course serves as an update to Inspector Nation's Flu and Virus Season Protocols, with new emphasis given to the current COVID-19 situation present worldwide. As always, to obtain the most up to date COVID-19 information for your local area, it is best to choose only government sponsored websites such as the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services.

As you are working within your community and profession to adapt to our changing world, we hope that this information serves to give you confidence and help protect yourself and others.

Thank you,
The Team at Inspector Nation