Inspector Nation Master Inspector

Inspector Nation Master Inspector

The Inspector Nation Master Inspector (INMI) represents the highest level certification offered by Inspector Nation and is awarded only to home inspectors that have proven themselves to be at the top of their field, with a demonstrated mastery of 10 core areas. This certification signifies an advanced level of scholarship, experience, and conduct in the field of home inspection.

Click to Apply for the Certification

Inspector Nation offers the Inspector Nation Master Inspector certification as a process for the home inspector to differentiate themselves through the completion of this terminal certification offering. This is designed for the home inspector that strives for excellence, and as a terminal offering it sets the Inspector Nation Master Inspector as the highest certification awarded from Inspector Nation. This badge is relevant in everything that its holder does and should be worn with pride. A stringent application process upholds the integrity of the badge. Qualification for the Inspector Nation Master Inspector Knowledge Examination requires the home inspector to meet a prerequisite level of knowledge, experience, and qualifications.

    Inspector Nation Master Inspector Application

    Please fill out the information below to help us determine if you meet eligibility requirements for the Inspector Nation Master Inspector Certification. Upon approval you will be allowed to register for the knowledge examination, which you will be required to earn a passing score on before the certification will be awarded. We are looking forward to having you become a part of what makes Inspector Nation so strong.

    Personal Information

    Your Name (required)

    Company Name (required)

    License Number and State (if applicable)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number

    Website (if applicable)

    Location Information



    State (required)

    Zip Code

    Prerequisite Information

    Estimated Number of Years of Home Inspection Experience:

    Estimated Number of Residential Inspections Completed:

    Prerequisite Knowledge (Describe How you Meet):

    Prerequisite Practice (Describe How you Meet):

    Prerequisite Experience (Describe How you Meet):

    Code of Conduct or Criminal Violations (if any):

    Home Inspection Background:

    Fee Payment Information

    Name on Card

    Credit Card Number

    Expiration Date

    Security Code

    Supplemental Information

    Additional Information:

    Requested Special Accommodations for Examination (As per ADA Requirements):

    Report #1:

    Report #2:

    Report #3:

    Report #4:

    Report #5:

    I have read, fully understand, and agree to uphold the Inspector Nation Code of Conduct and Home Inspection Standard of Practice. I believe I meet all INMI pre-requisites required to sit for the knowledge examination.

    I agree


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